Converse County Child Services (Wyoming)

Converse County Child, Youth, and Family Services is a government agency at the WY State, Converse County, or local level that provides a range of services to assist children, youth, and families. Child, Youth, and Family Services Offices offer early childhood services, including childcare support, family nutrition programs, and support for children with developmental delays. These offices may also run programs to end youth homelessness, prevent adolescent pregnancy, and prevent violence against children and youth in Converse County. Some Child, Youth, and Family Services programs also manage Converse County foster care and adoption services.

Child Support Services of Wyoming Douglas WY 1954 East Richards Street 82633 307-358-0947 Suggest Edit

A Converse County WIC Office is a local branch of the Federal Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Converse County WIC programs provide nutrition assistance for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, infants, and children. WIC Offices provide services to income-eligible families who require food assistance. In addition to nutritional assistance, WIC Offices provide additional benefits, including health screenings, nutrition and health education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and help obtaining other Wyoming social services.

WIC Douglas WY 900 South Grant, Suite B 82633 307-358-4003 Suggest Edit

WIC Douglas WY 925 West Birch Street 82633 307-358-4003 Suggest Edit